For Building & Construction and Other Real Estate Issues

Expert Witness ServicesWe provide expert witness services, such as reports and testimony, for the building and construction and real estate issues. If you are a home owner, a property or strata manager, a renter, a builder or developer, or lawyer with a case before the Court, you may require our expert services, reports and knowledge for your legal case.

Our Expert Witness services are unbiased and provide detailed information you need to have known in Court on your behalf and presented by your lawyer, in order to well-represented. In Court, the report needs to be written to benefit the Court’s understanding of the facts being presented and with no (unfortunately) advocacy or other representation for yourself.

At Duxbury & Associates Building Inspection and Consulting Ltd. (Duxbury and Associates), our professionals are highly trained and experienced. We commit ourselves to going beyond our clients’ and your lawyer’s, expectations. With our careful attention to detail, you can be sure we will provide your lawyer and the Court with professional and detailed information that will help your side and the facts, to be clearly understood. It is our duty to only write for, and support, the Court’s understanding.

Duxbury & Associates is also dedicated to provide you with ways on how you can maintain your home or building to help avoid further problems.  We are very experienced with working with home and building owners, home buyers and more going through a lengthy court case for the first time. If you are in a dispute and working with a lawyer on a dispute related to a real estate, you can expect a superior level of customer service, attention-to-detail and a written report that will present your case properly and effectively. Contact us  today to discuss your problem or dispute and how we can help.