Our aim is to help save our Clients stress, anxiety, emotional pain, worry and substantial
amounts of money to shield them against distress with uncompromised quality, we will provide
the critical information they need to make well-informed decisions – to achieve their real estate
dreams and to help protect their investment. We want to see our Clients be happy in their home
and love it
. We will provide Solutions to problems & worries lawyers, property managers and
others have, along with protection, advocacy and security the same as we would for family and
friends, that will allow them to easily refer us to others – “paying it forward” – the basis and
source of new business.
Inspection Facts
A professional inspection is a comprehensive visual examination of the property's overall structure, major systems and components. All components will be checked at the time of the inspection.
A properly trained professional inspector will review the property as a system, looking at how one component, might affect the operation or life-span of another.
Components that are not performing properly will be identified, as well as items that are beyond their useful life or may be unsafe.
The purpose of a professional inspection is to provide the client with a better understanding of the property conditions, as observed at the time of the review, in order to become adequately well-informed.