Fall Banner
We hope you’ve enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing Summer! Fall is the time to get back to business as usual while still appreciating the splendor of Autumn! 
This month we’ve got fantastic  “Fall Maintenance Tips” .
 We also wanted to mention our “Quality- Control Services for Renovations”   and/or for restoration work on your home or building. 
Let us be your watchdog to protect you from “fly-by-night” contractors who do shoddy work and then disappear.
Duxbury & Associates

Providing protection, security and especially Peace-of-Mind. It’s what everyone wants; it’s what we always deliver… Let us do all the “heavy-lifting” so you can be mindful of your current situation.

About Us
Why Duxbury & Associates?
Glenn discusses the how Duxbury & Associates educates and empowers people! Our mission is to ensure every client  makes well-informed decisions and saves money (instead of wasting it)…
Fall Maintenance Tips
Fall Maintenance Tips

It’s never too early to think of Fall Maintenance…
Renovation Quality Control
Quality-Control Services
Let us be your “watchdog” to ensure contractors are doing your Home Renovations/ Restoration work right
Who is looking out for Your Best Interest? Be aware, there are still too many “fly-by- night” contractors out there and, if they do shoddy work, you may never find them again to get the work redone, completed or any compensation…

Construction Litigation:
Have you had a bad experience with a builder and/or renovation contractor and cannot resolve it? Duxbury & Associates is an expert resource for you, making the court litigation process simpler and easier for you and your lawyer , going to court on your behalf as an expert witness. We are experts in Quality-Control , during and after renovations/restorations.

Download Our New eBOOK for FREE!
We love to educate 1st-Time Home Buyers on how to buy real estate without regrets.

Our Customers Say...
What Our Clients Say…
Helped us Achieve a Settlement”
“My client and I appreciate your swift response to our legal issue and your professionalism. Your report helped us assess the evidence and prepare for trial and assisted in achieving a settlement. Thank you again for your hard work and attention-to-detail.” Ryan D. Chew, Barrister and Solicitor

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