February 2017
A leaking roof is every home owner’s worst nightmare. How has your roof been withstanding the wet and severe weather we’ve had so far this year? A wet attic, due to leaks or excessive moisture from inside, can create wood-rot which can weaken the structure of your roof. With the additional weight of a heavy snow-fall or even someone walking on it, a weak roof may suddenly spring a leak or even cause collapse. Yikes!You’ll definitely want to have it checked long before the rain /melting snow is pouring directly into your home. One (1) little opening or flashing defect can allow a BIG leak which you won’t appreciate and your insurance company certainly won’t. Check out our latest articles below.
Duxbury & Associates
Providing protection, security and especially Peace-of-Mind. It’s what everyone wants; it’s what we always deliver… Let us do all the “heavy-lifting” so you can be mindful of your current situation.
What questions should you ask your Home Inspector?
How Long Will YOUR Roof Last
With this unusual, snowy, winter weather we have had, and what may be ahead for the rest of the winter and the upcoming Spring, we know it will be wet. We’d suggest that you have your roof examined by a reliable Home Inspector for less obvious problems…
Duxbury & Associates
2017 Consumer Choice Award Winner
We are very pleased to announce Duxbury and Associates are the proud winners of the 2017 Consumer Choice Award for Building Inspection.
It was such an honour for our team to be recognized for 16 years of dedication to serving the community with honesty, integrity and customer service excellence. It means the world to us to know that we have made a difference in the well-being and happiness of our valued clients.
Thanks to everyone for voting with your reviews!
Why are we the Lower Mainland’s
Condo Inspection Company?
Duxbury & Associates
has been inspecting condos for some 16 years – on top of Managing Stratas for over 12 years before that, so were are unique. We don’t simply inspect the unit; we also inspect the entire building exterior and all accessible common areas, as well as far beyond others inside.
We offer you a comprehensive inspection report and we can also “decipher” an existing Depreciation report or Engineering reports, to fully inform you of things going wrong with the property and outline potential BIG expenses looming. Our experience enables us to reveal hidden property issues which can be difficult to detect but could really cost you big-time in the long run.
Before you EVER
Buy a Condo
The ONLY Strata Specialist
“I hired Glenn for a home inspection this past year and he was outstanding, to say the least. He showed up on time, was extremely thorough and very detailed in his explanations to me. I highly recommend Glenn for any of your home inspection needs. He is worth every dollar and then some. Thanks Glenn!
~ Ali Jamal, CEO at Stablegold Hospitality