
October 2012 – A Tribute to YOU!

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Quick Tip

Rain is Coming!

Check Your Roof! Rain_Inside

People who live in the lower mainland know that the rain will put your roof to the test.

Don’t wait until it’s raining in your living room and you’re facing huge bills from water damage.

If your roof is getting older or looks a bit worn have it inspected right away.

Welcome to “Love Your Home”

October is a time when many people adopt an “attitude of gratitude” about the many things in life we have to be grateful for. What matters most to me is people! My family, my friends, my wonderful clients and professional supporters. I greatly appreciate all those who have come into my life and made it all the better!

CASE STUDY: Wet Basement Crisis!
Have you ever been ready to head out on vacation, when suddenly there was a major crisis with your property? Who can you trust to handle the job in your absence?
VIDEO: Selecting a Professional Home Inspector Sincerely,

Uncovering tomorrow’s surprises, TODAY!

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A Tribute to YOU!

Since October is a season for giving thanks, I thought it was time to reflect on all the referrals we’ve received over the years, upon which our business has been built. We’ve realized we would never have achieved our 10th year in business, or have been recognized as one of BC’s best…

Uncovering Tomorrow’s Surprises, TODAY!
The Wet Basement Crisis!

Have you ever been ready to head out on vacation, when suddenly there was a major crisis with your property?

Recently, a business owner whom I had helped out with several concerns on her home approached me with a very worried…

The Whole Home Maintenance Check

Home Condition Check Does it seem like every year something major goes in your home? ( eg. the hot water heater, the furnace, the roof, the electrical system, the plumbing etc. )

A Professional Maintenance Check will tell you which major home systems are still in good condition and which ones are about to turn into a disaster!

Replace something while it’s still functioning, rather than waiting until it completely falls apart and you’re facing an emergency repair bill. Please visit our website for more on our Inspection Services .

What Our Clients Say… Extremely Thorough

Our Customers Say... “I had Glenn Duxbury inspect my apartment prior to purchasing. I found him to be extremely thorough in his Inspection and professional in his demeanor. I was very impressed with his knowledge I would certainly recommend him to others going through the home-buying process.” ~ J Clark, Burnaby

Associations / Memberships
ASTTBC - more info BCIPI - more info GVHBA - more info Member of BBB

SAFERhome BC - view website
Consumer Protection BC - Home Inspector RCI - Please visit website eWomen Network member NAAAP

In our ongoing efforts to GO GREEN, we offer this informative newsletter in an electronic paperless format. Your privacy is important to us, and your email address will be kept in the strictest confidence. Copyright / Reprint information – the contents of this newsletter may be copied, reproduced, or freely distributed for all non-profit purposes without the consent of the author, as long as the author’s name and contact information are included. © 2012 glennduxbury-inspections.com