
January 2013 – SAVE MONEY with Real Estate Secrets!

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Quick Tip

When Hiring a Contractor Do Your Due Diligence!

When you hire a contractor, remember that it’s key to thoroughly check out their credentials & references!

Ensure that the company is in good standing with the BBB and with former clients, as well as with WorkSafe BC and carry a local, valid business license.

Otherwise, when the project goes astray, you may end up having to pay to have the job re-done by a reputable contractor. You may also have to try to sue the first contractor for damages. A major hassle that you could certainly do without.

Welcome to “Love Your Home”

Happy New Year!
All the best to you all in 2013! Are you still loving your home or is it time for a change? Many home owners stay too long in a home that doesn’t suit their needs simply because they fear that their options are few. However, this year might just be the perfect time to make a fresh start in a great new home!
Tell Your Story…
What has made you stop loving your home?

Got an interesting story on how your home is driving you crazy and why you can’t wait to move? Email it to info@glennduxbury-inspections.com ! If we use your story, you’ll be treated to free gift card…
Building Inspection and Consulting
Uncovering tomorrow’s surprises, TODAY!

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with Real Estate Secrets!
With decades of experience in the home inspection industry we’ve pretty much seen it all…Consequently, our consulting services have become highly sought after by home buyers and home owners (plus their Listing Agents) who need expert advice and a real competitive edge with our trade secrets and proven strategies…

Be sure to check out last month’s article too…

Uncovering Tomorrow’s Surprises, TODAY!

This story will make you look at your water heater in a whole new way…

Read the full case study…

The Whole Home Maintenance Checks

Home Condition Check

Does it seem like every year something major goes in your home ( i.e. the water heater, the furnace, the roof, electrical, plumbing, etc. )?

A Professional Maintenance / Condition-Check will tell you which major home systems are still in good condition and which ones are about to turn into a disaster!

Replace something while it’s still functioning, rather than waiting until it completely falls apart and you’re facing an emergency repair bill. Please visit our website for more on our Inspection Services .

What Our Clients Say…
“Worth your weight in gold…

Our Customers Say... “I wanted to thank you for your thorough inspection of the house last week; you certainly were worth your weight in gold. I will certainly pass your name along to anyone that needs a really good inspection and I will call you again when I need your services on another property.”
~ Tony G.

Associations / Memberships
ASTTBC - more info ASTTBC-PI GVHBA - more info Member of BBB CCI

SAFERhome BC - view website
Consumer Protection BC - Home Inspector RCI - Please visit website eWomen Network member NAAAP

In our ongoing efforts to GO GREEN, we offer this informative newsletter in an electronic paperless format. Your privacy is important to us, and your email address will be kept in the strictest confidence. Copyright / Reprint information – the contents of this newsletter may be copied, reproduced, or freely distributed for all non-profit purposes without the consent of the author, as long as the author’s name and contact information are included. © 2012 glennduxbury-inspections.com